Americans’ refusal to unite are having grave consequences
It’s time we stop allowing politicians and the media to control our fates
By Yvonne C. Claes
It used to amuse me when I’d read comments following a political article. I’d chuckle when readers would respond with the usual “That’s a Lib-tard for you!” or “The folks who follow that blowhard (Trump) are insane!”
But increasingly, it’s getting harder to laugh off how invested people are in defending the honor of our criminals in public office. In fact, I now avoid comment sections all together to stop from becoming more depressed than I already am.
Most commenters don’t understand they are behaving exactly how those in power want. Americans, for the most part, would rather pick a fight with each other than demand better candidates from the two major political parties.
In a country of 331 million people, you’d think we could get better candidates than Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump to run for President.
But we can’t because the elite class knows voters will accept their paltry pickings. Democrats have already resurrected the tired concept of voting for the lesser of two evils ahead of the 2022 midterms.
We will not get better candidates until Americans refuse to play the game and threaten to withhold their votes. And frankly, we don’t deserve better until that happens.
Anyone who isn’t blind can see that Biden isn’t all there mentally and hasn’t been for quite some time. He’s a puppet, controlled by corporate interests and propped up by establishment media. He was installed to stop Sen. Bernie Sanders, who dominated in early 2020 Democratic primary states.
But write the obvious fact Biden is struggling cognitively (which has nothing to do with a stutter) and watch Blue Team members come for your throat. They get so angry they become unhinged.
They act as though you’ve insulted their grandpa.
It’s weird.
And all to defend a nearly 50-year politician who doesn’t give a shit about them and who in many ways has made their and their children lives worse. In fact, he is largely responsible for the current student loan crisis.
Blue MAGA’s blind loyalty is bizarre and pathetic.
It reminds me of Stockholm Syndrome, where the victim identifies with his captor. The victim in this case is the American people, and the captor is the corporate-controlled government and politicians who allow the widespread corruption.
But of course, the same syndrome exists on the other side of the political aisle. Criticize Donald Trump and the MAGA cultists come out in force.
Trump is an example of how it doesn’t matter with which party a politician aligns himself. After all, Trump changed political affiliation many times over his adult life.
He doesn’t have loyalty to any party. His loyalty extends only to himself, like with most politicians.
People need to start looking out for themselves, their families, friends, and here is the most important part, each other.
It won’t be easy, but it is possible. We just have to understand the obstacles that stand in our way, and we need to get out of the way if we ourselves are a barrier hindering real progress.
The biggest hurdle is corporate media, which deliberately fans the flames of conflict, making it appear as though the American people are more divided than they actually are. They and their billionaire owners know if the people ever united, their days would be numbered and fairly quickly, too.
A strong streak of individualism and mistrust of government runs through the veins of most people born in the United States. It’s part of the history of how this nation was founded.
But there comes a point where rugged individualism and the expectation government should only do the bare minimum for its people — despite citizens experiencing comparable tax rates to those who live in countries with universal healthcare and free or nearly-free college — needs to end.
And friends, we are about 45 years beyond that point.
People are being screwed by the very politicians they defend. Politicians and corporations steal our labor, our dignity, our health, our leisure and our family time, our quality of life, and our futures and very lives through endless wars.
Yet too many people are willing to go to the mat to defend these professional charlatans (or tell you to leave the country if you don’t like it. Dude, I would if I could)! Worse, they waste time arguing with people who could and should be their allies.
Newsflash: If you aren’t part of the 1 percent, guess what? You never will be.
Upward mobility has become a myth, on par with the Easter Bunny and the American Dream. It’s time you lock arms with your fellow Americans for whom you will need to rely upon as the elites accelerate their global greed and devastate our planet.
And please, don’t come in the comments and spout a simplistic reason for why future generations won’t achieve the kind of lives their parents enjoyed. The culprits are complex but all roads lead to one group: the elites of both parties who have sold their souls — and by representative Democracy, ours — to the highest bidder.
They have let society rot for decades, investing in war and the militarization of police, so when we finally do rebel, they will have a ready army to defend themselves and their precious property.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
We can either continue to fight each other, or we can demand elected officials become responsive to our needs and work for us.
Remember, they were once called “public servants” for a reason.
©Yvonne C. Claes, 2022. I own this content. You can share my column, but make sure my name is left on it. If you don’t, be prepared to deal with my copyright attorney. Thanks!