I can so relate to what you have written. My mom died in 2002, and I felt almost happy to be rid of her. (Sounds harsh, I know)
I haven't spoken to any of my four siblings since then because at least 2 of them are exactly like Mom. The other two can't think for themselves and are manipulated by the two narcissists.
I decided when Mom died that I couldn't have any more of that nonsense in my life anymore. I was tired of being pulled down by my siblings and made to feel like everything was my fault.
My sin was earning an advanced college degree on my own (a master's) despite being the youngest. My god, did they hate me because of it. That was the last straw for the two narcissist sisters.
All I know is that I've been happier ever since I cut the cord. My family now consists of friends who actually wish the best for me and don't stomp on me when I do stumble and fail.