Insulting voters while offering nothing

Election results not surprising; Dems wanted to lose

Yvonne C. Claes
5 min readOct 23, 2024
Photo by Sean Foster on Unsplash

I am publishing this on Oct. 23, 2024, two weeks before Republican Donald Trump’s victory over Kamala Harris.

I educate myself and live among the great unwashed, so I type that sentence with confidence.

I don’t live in a TV studio and vapidly repeat whatever producers feed in my earpiece, and I don’t rub elbows with billionaires.

The only people surprised by the election results are mainstream media pundits, establishment insiders, and white suburbanites with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I knew the election was over when cable stations gleefully announced Harris would be the Democratic Party nominee. TV pundits acted like they had discovered the philosopher’s stone when it became apparent the political establishment would slot Harris in for Joe Biden.

I laughed and thought, Oh my god. The Democrats really do want to lose.

Why else choose as the top of the ticket a cackling, slurring empty suit, with minimal accomplishments as vice president?

Dem operatives knew early on Harris was a problem.

They hid her away from the media or presented her with pre-arranged, carefully curated softball questions that Harris still managed to fumble.

Chameleon Kamala also laughed her way through “rallies” with a black, Hispanic, or Southern accent, depending on the audience. Oh, and she sometimes condescendingly threw in some rap music and Usher for good measure.

But Harris also backed away from her non-achievements. While bragging that she was the Border Czar during the first three years of her vice-presidential tenure, the Biden Administration and Harris herself suddenly played down that resume point during the home stretch of her campaign.

And the corporate media protected and defended Harris at every turn, even as millions streamed across the border between U.S. and Mexico.

CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time, et al did the voting public a monumental disservice by focusing on the horse race while barely reporting on issues, in particular, those economic in nature, which are (and remain) foremost in people’s mind.

Higher gas, food, rent, and (new and used) car prices were on the ballot, not whether or not Trump would say something stupid.

The latter is a given.

The problem for Team Blue was more people than ever before shrugged and said, “So what? We lived through it before,” prior to stepping into the voting booth.

All they knew was that they had more money in their pockets, no new wars had started, a genocide in Palestine — supported by the United States — wasn’t happening, and police weren't cracking the heads of pro-Palestine protesters when Trump was in office.

It’s really that simple.

But the Democratic Party will not learn its lesson from this election, just like it didn’t from 2016.

Dem officials will simply blame the voters, especially third-party voters who dared to cast a ballot for someone who actually offered them something and didn't spend 99 percent of their time gaslighting them.

And instead of trying to court People of Color, Dem operatives will completely abandon Muslims, Arabs, blacks, Hispanics and other marginalized communities they historically represented.

No, instead they will continue to move more right, as they have since Bill Clinton was in office.

They will pursue disaffected Republicans.

Why else did Harris brag about having the endorsement of war criminal and one-time Dem pariah Dick Cheney?

And then go on the campaign trail — to Muslim-heavy Michigan, of all places — with former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney?

Talk about tone deaf!

If the Republicans are so dangerous, why do the Democrats always court them?

Riddle me that.

If this election cycle didn’t prove once and for all we have a uniparty, nothing will.

Republicans, after all, were allowed to speak at the Democratic National Convention. But a Palestinian lawmaker? Nope, yank that “subhuman” from the stage, NOW!

And Harris has promised to put a Republican in her cabinet.

Blue Team cultists will say bipartisanship is good.

Bipartisanship is only touted for bad policies, like endless wars and additional cops. It’s never used for programs that could actually help regular people, like healthcare for all and a higher minimum wage.

Save your bipartisanship.

Give me good old, drag-out fights. At least then I’d know there’s people in office actually disagreeing with each other, not the fake dog and pony shows put on for the public on issues that seldom matter, like raising the debt ceiling.

“Oh no! They’re disagreeing on raising the debt ceiling for the 100th time. What ever shall we do?”

The Vote Blue Without a Clue Crowd, with knee-flex-worthy precision, respond on cue, “A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Trump!”

Well then, a vote NOT for Trump is a vote for Harris.

You’re welcome!

For all the performative hand wringing by Dem operatives and mouthpieces about the loss of democracy under Trump, Team Blue need look no further than a mirror for the scraps of a tattered Constitution.

The Dem “elite” class anointed Harris without a primary. They chose to handpick a woman who never won a primary, hell, who never even won a single delegate during two presidential election cycles.

Talk about the dismantling of democracy.

Then there were the morally earnest university students across the country who protested the genocide in Gaza, only to have their heads cracked open by pro-Israeli counter-protestors while police stood by and did nothing. Or students sustained physical injuries from cops themselves.

Most despicable, corporate media and politicians who sold their souls to AIPAC — the Israeli lobby that owns our government — labeled the pro-Palestine protestors “antisemitic” to discredit them and shut them up.

Reporters and professors who dared speak the truth about the massacre in Palestine lost their jobs simply for speaking out, all under a Biden-Harris administration.

Free speech is a myth in this country. I have more faith in the existence of Santa Claus at this point than the First Amendment.

But Trump is the real threat to our freedoms?

No, both corrupt parties are chipping away at our Constitutionally guaranteed rights, all to protect a foreign state: Israel.

Congress’s allegiance is to Israel, not to the American people, the latter of whom are struggling financially to make ends meet.

But Israel? We’ve been giving them billions in weapons and money to commit ethnic cleansing against women and children instead of spending those billions to help our own people during a shitty economy in which corporate greed has run amuck.

And don’t get me started on the hundreds of billions we’ve wasted on Ukraine, which is being annihilated by Putin’s Russia. At least Trump says he will cut the cord to that money-laundering pit.

(I can already imagine the comments by readers who will argue that Team Red or Team Blue is “better” than the other, and we should have settled for the lesser of two evils).

Go for it.

After all, the oligarchs want a civil war, not a revolution. In the former, we target each other. In the latter, they become the target of a unified public with a common enemy.

But I won’t participate in such a self-defeating enterprise.

Besides, I have no dog in this fight.

I voted Green.

©Yvonne C. Claes, 2024. I also predicted Hillary Clinton’s 2016 defeat by Trump eight months before it happened. I own this content. You can share my column, but make sure my name is left on it, or you will talk to my copyright attorney! Thanks!



Yvonne C. Claes
Yvonne C. Claes

Written by Yvonne C. Claes

Independent commentator trying to live a good life, but !#%&# bills won’t let her. She’s the one in green. Politicians are corrupt. Revolution is the solution.

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