Interview with Tara Reade, Biden’s rape accuser, from The Hill:
The Intercept’s Ryan Grimm, who broke Reade’s story and how Time’s Up! covered it up for Biden:
Now, as for dementia claim…. again, look at my former responses. I have eyes and ears. The man gets lost in the middle of a sentence and has difficulty completing a sentence. Notice too that his wife Jill is now present in his latest interviews. Also notice that he consults notes — they are prominent in the screen shots — AND he wears an ear piece. I don’t know of any other political candidate — much less a presidential one — that requires or has been allowed to have his spouse present, notes in hand and wearing an ear piece during press interviews.
I also had a grandfather, sadly, who had dementia, and Biden has similar traits, in particular, his quickness to anger. Calling a voter a “dog-faced pony solider,” telling another to “vote for Trump” when he was questioned why he and Obama deported 3 million people during their administration, calling another voter “fat” when pressed on a question. It’s all there, and if you think Trump won’t expose these sad traits, you’re mistaken. The corporate media did Biden — and by extension the American people — a disservice by protecting his obvious dementia and rape allegation. Both will come out in the general and Trump, who also suffers from cognitive decline and is a notorious womanizer, will use them to his advantage.
You wrote:
“If you are someone who believes women should not have reproductive rights, minorities should not have the right to vote, Climate change is a hoax, Mexican undocumented immigrants are either drug mules or rapists if you believe in the federal death penalty, the rollback of federal union rights or that undocumented child should be put in cages, you do not have to respond back to my request. I understand your stand against Joe Biden.”
I believe in woman’s rights, believe in minorities voting, believe climate change is real, believe all immigrants are generally good people, don’t believe in the death penalty, believe in union rights, and don’t believe children should be in cages. But all these issues are non-sequiturs, and should you just drop a bunch of issues in a future response without explaining why you have included them I will block you and delete your comment. I have better ways to spend my time.
I will assume you are talking about the Supreme Court, but again, you failed to mention that. First, you fail to recognize that it is because of Biden we had Scalia and currently have Thomas on the SC. Yes, Biden voted against Thomas AFTER he had ruined Anita Hill’s credibility to such an extent as chairman of the Senate committee that Thomas was approved to the court. I suggest to watch the despicable hearings, which are available on YouTube. I watched them in real time, and it was appalling the way Biden treated Hill., a law professor at Harvard.
Next, by woman’s rights, I am assuming you mean abortion. Again, your vagueness leaves much to be desired. Like I mentioned previously, Biden is not known for his Lefist leanings. There is no guarantee with him we will get a progressive judge on the court. But let’s say by a miracle he nominates a progressive, the nominee still has to get through both houses, and there is no guarantee with the way things stand now, any nominee will get through the Senate. There is also no guarantee women’s reproductive rights will be repealed. I don’t think we are at a point where the sky is falling. My point is a candidate for the presidency is going to have to offer working Americans a hell of a lot more than that. It doesn’t matter to working Americans who can’t put a roof over their heads what the Supreme Court does. And unfortunately, 500,000 Americans currently are homeless, and that number is rising rapidly daily due to COVID 19. If they have no place to live, no bed for their child, the SC remains irrelevant to them, so come up with a more compelling argument.
Minority voting rights? You can’t be real? Talk to minorities in Wisconsin, particularly Milwaukee, who were just disenfranchised in the Dem primary. Yes, the GOP worked to have in-person voting go forward during a pandemic, but guess who else did? JOE BIDEN! He said, and I quote: “It’s safe to come out and vote…as long as people stand far apart. They’ll, you know, wipe down the machines. It should be fine.”
Sure, Joe.
Bernie, on the other hand, did the responsible thing and told his supporters to stay home. You are delusional if you think the GOP is the only one that engages in minority voter suppression. The Dems do it all the time.
Tell Biden climate change is real. You wouldn’t know it by the millions in fossil fuel money his presidential campaign is taking. He is also pro-fracking and pro-pipelines, so you may want to clue him in about climate change. Acknowledging climate change but doing nothing about it amounts to nothing. He may as well deny it.
Yes, Trump’s rhetoric about Mexicans is disgusting and he should shut up, but he won’t. But here again, Biden’s past rhetoric about people of color is hardly positive: “Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids” Ouch!
And don’t get me started on Biden’s segregationist past. Past actions are an indicator of future actions.
As for kids in cages, I hate to break it to you, but that practice began under the Obama and Biden administration:
As for the federal death penalty, you’re going to have to provide evidence that there is a political push for that to become reality.
Welp, I think my research is done here. Don’t reply back with a bunch of new allegations or try to pivot the discussion. Reply to what I’ve actually written.