Oh, I will respond because I can’t let the train wreck of lies and half-truths with which you responded stand.
You correctly quoted me:
“Also, you lie when you say Tara Reade’s claim of sexual assault against Biden has been discredited by further investigation. It hasn’t been investigated at all. Mainstream media outlets — CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS — have not covered the story at all.”
Yeah, sooo…
But then you bring up The Washington Examiner, a right-wing publication, without refuting the above paragraph??? I don’t understand your point of saying my paragraph above was a lie when you didn’t then refute it, but whatever floats your boat.
Then you say that the Examiner, despite its right-wing bias, dismissed Reade’s allegations. I think your reading comprehension, or is it critical thinking skills, (?) might be a bit off. The publication says Biden’s executive assistant never witnessed or heard of Biden conducting himself in an inappropriate way with women, therefore, the assistant concluded the allegations are false.
OK, lean in close Mr. Crawford, so you can hear this: Rarely, if ever, do sexual predators carry out their predatory behavior when others are around. They often conduct them in private, when there are no witnesses. You may want to re-read those sentences … very slowly.
Next, do you think a woman in a subordinate position is ever going to speak out about the former VP — a man who could potentially become the next president — and hope to work in D.C. ever again? You’re deluding yourself about the power structure in D.C. if you believe that would be remotely possible. Also, HER reputation — like Reade’s — would be destroyed.
Are you a police investigator who has worked on the Reade case? I thought not. How do you know corporate media has looked into the case? What evidence do you have of that? They haven’t reported on it, so how do you know they have even looked into it?
The statue of limitation in D.C. is 15 years for first- and second- degree sexual assault. Come on, man, don’t lie. Put in the work if you’re going to bother responding. https://blog.scrofanolaw.com/what-is-the-statute-of-limitations-for-sexual-assault-in-dc/
The ties of fossil fuel contributors to Biden 2020 presidential campaign are numerous and substantial. You can’t act like a child and say “that’s a lie!” and then not offer evidence, my man. Here ya go:
smh Please educate yourself on your candidate before voting. Consider third party, such as the Greens or the Working Families Party. Our country is at a crucial point, and Biden is just Blue Trump.