Reading is fundamental. Nowhere in my response did I state that. But trust me, Trump just won re-election. I predicated and wrote a column 8 months before Hillary lost to Trump that she would indeed lose. I was ridiculed. People said I was crazy. What they didn’t understand was the pain of the working class and the anger we have against the elites, both Republicans and Democrats, for screwing us over for generations. What you fail to understand is that Berners were not Democrats to begin with. We are progressives with no party affiliation, therefore, we have no loyalty to a political party. We only participated in the Dem primaries because Bernie was in them. Now we are free to take our votes and give them to the candidate who EARNS them. Biden has done nothing policy-wise to make us want to vote for him. He and Bernie have NOTHING in common when it comes to policy. Nothing. He is blue Trump. I won’t vote for Trump, but I certainly won’t vote for Biden. They are the same on policy, both are mentally declining, and both are accused of rape. One grabs ’em by the pussy and one sticks his fingers in them. Hell, there’s no voting even lesser of two evils in this case. They are simply both the same level of evil. Toodles!