You wrote:
I suggest that you inform yourself. In the first place, the sole rape accusation against Mr. Biden has been discredited by further investigation. Second, his policy proposals are much closer to Mr. Sanders than Mr. Trump’s policies. Mr. Biden proposes to extend and advance the ACA; Mr. Trump proposes to repeal the ACA. Mr. Biden promises to take strong measures to reduce the threat of climate change; Mr. Trump is actively making matters worse. Mr. Biden proposes to attack income inequality through a variety of redistribution policies.
The fact that Biden has a “sole” rape accusation against him vs. more than one is OK? So it’s “every man gets a free rape” before we consider that unconscionable? As a rape survivor I can tell you: One rape is one too many. Also, you lie when you say Tara Reade’s claim of sexual assault against Biden has been discredited by further investigation. It hasn’t been investigated at all. Mainstream media outlets — CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS — have not covered the story at all. And it’s not because they have investigated the story and found it not credible. Quite the opposite. They have found it to be credible and have chosen not to report it in order to PROTECT Biden. But they can’t forever. Trump will definitely bring it up in the general, and Biden’s campaign will crumble once Americans do listen to Reade’s very credible details of the assault.
Independent media — including The Intercept and The Hill — have investigated Reades’ claims and have found them credible.
Time’s UP! chose not to pursue an investigation of the rape allegations not because of the voracity of the claims, but because they said to investigate a political figure running for national office would put their non-profit status at risk.
Mr. Biden intends to continue the ACA, which leaves 30 million Americans uninsured and another 50 million under-insured. His proposed expansion, if it were to get through Congress and the Senate, would still leave 10 million uninsured and another 20 million under-insured. That’s very far from #MedicareForAll.
Biden “promises” to take action against climate change. LOL. That’s cute. Well, he didn’t take one step to eradicate it as VP and as a candidate for president, his campaign is largely financed by the fossil fuel industry. Biden also believes in fracking and the installation of oil fuel lines.
I’m not the one who needs to do some research; you do, as is evidenced by your vague, platitude-ridden response.